Quasi Vintage 3.9 Pez

Vintage pez are generally considered those with no feet and patent numbers of 3.8 or lower. Around 1987, pez added feet and the back spine was raised significantly higher than the front spine. The thin feet are about half as thick as the newer thick feet seen in some 3.9 and 4.9 and beyond patent numbers. Some collectors consider the 3.9 patent thin feet and even the 3.9 thick feet pez to also be vintage, but since they represent the transition period between vintage no feet and more recent thick feet, we have grouped these dispensers in a category we call quasi vintage for these 3.9 thin and thick feet dispensers.
Displaying 81 to 90 (of 90 Products)
(image for) Three Piece Witch Pez Red Hair Red 3.9 Austria TF MIB

Three Piece Witch Pez Red Hair Red 3.9 Austria TF MIB

This 3 piece witch pez has separate head, hat and hair pieces, thus is called the three piece witch. This one has red hair. It comes on a 3.9 thin feet Austria IMC 3 red stem in excellent condition, still mint in bag with two rolls of two piece wrapper pez candy. Every one of these pez looks a bit different based on the paint placement of the eyes so every one is unique.

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(image for) Thumper Rabbit (no copyright) Painted Whiskers Pez

Thumper Rabbit (no copyright) Painted Whiskers Pez

This is the Thumper Rabbit with no Disney copyright, technically making him just a rabbit!  He has painted whiskers and is in mint condition!  Wonderful addition to your collection!

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(image for) Tuffy A Pez Multipiece Face on Purple Stem

Tuffy A Pez Multipiece Face on Purple Stem

Tuffy A comes with decal eyes, painted ears and a separate white plastic piece around the nose that forms the muzzle and mouth. These come on a purple Austria stem and are in very good condition. This Tuffy Pez dispenser comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Tweety Pez No Hinge Hole on 3.9 China Double Down Stem

Tweety Pez No Hinge Hole on 3.9 China Double Down Stem

This Tweety Pez is one of many versions of this Warner Brothers Looney Tunes pez. It has molded eyes that are raised for the pupil, without a divot in the center of the pupil and it has no hinge hole, and long feathers. It is in excellent condition on a 3.9 China thin feet Double Down stem.  The double down stem is hard to find.  Most Pez Stems have Pez reading from top to bottom on the Patent side, with letters in an upright...

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(image for) Two tone Die Cut Face Pumpkin A Pez 3.9 TF Green Stem

Two tone Die Cut Face Pumpkin A Pez 3.9 TF Green Stem

This pumpkin A is the die-cut face version. The two pieces of plastic are different shades of orange, so it is considered a two tone example. This sits on a green 3.9 thin feet Austria IMC 3 stem in excellent condition. This die-cut face pumpkin pez dispenser comes loose and ready to display.

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(image for) Walt Disney - Scrooge McDuck B Pez 3.9 Austria

Walt Disney - Scrooge McDuck B Pez 3.9 Austria

Old Scrooge McDuck B Pez released in 1991 with molded sideburns.  This Scrooge pez sits on a thick foot 3.9 Austria stem. The Scrooge pez is a part of the discontinued Duck Tails pez dispenser series from the Walt Disney collection.

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(image for) Wile E. Coyote Warner Bros Pez 3.9 TF Yugo Red Stem

Wile E. Coyote Warner Bros Pez 3.9 TF Yugo Red Stem

Wile E. Coyote was produced in the early 1980's as a part of the Warner Brothers Pez series. This vintage Wile E. Coyote Pez is the brown head with greenish gray whiskers version and it sits on a red 3.9 thin feet Yugoslavia IMC 5 stem. This pez is in excellent condition with no melt marks, no cracks or other problems. This great Warner Bros Wile E Coyote pez dispenser comes loose and ready to display!

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(image for) Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Austria

Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Austria

Winnie the Pooh A pez with Walt Disney Productions copyright on the back of his head, from the original Winnie the Pooh pez release. This vintage Pooh comes on a blue 3.9 thin feet Austria stem. Winnie the Pooh a comes loose and ready to display.

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(image for) Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Yugoslavia

Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Yugoslavia

Winnie the Pooh A pez with Walt Disney Productions copyright on the back of his head, from the original Winnie the Pooh pez release. This vintage Pooh comes on a blue 3.9 thin feet Yugoslavia stem. Winnie the Pooh a comes loose and ready to display.

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(image for) Woodstock A Pez on 3.9 Thin Feet Stem

Woodstock A Pez on 3.9 Thin Feet Stem

Woodstock A is a classic Peanuts Pez. This is the smaller head version with molded side feathers but no painted feathers.  This Woodstock pez from the Peanuts series 1 set comes on a 3.9 stem, loose and ready to display!

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Displaying 81 to 90 (of 90 Products)