Quasi Vintage 3.9 Pez

Three Piece Witch Pez on Red 3.9 Austria thin feet

Three Piece Witch Pez Red Hair Red 3.9 Austria TF MIB

Thumper Rabbit (no copyright) Painted Whiskers Pez

Tuffy A Pez Multipiece Face on Purple Stem

Tweety Pez No Hinge Hole on 3.9 China Double Down Stem

Two tone Die Cut Face Pumpkin A Pez 3.9 TF Green Stem

Walt Disney - Scrooge McDuck B Pez 3.9 Austria

Wile E. Coyote Warner Bros Pez 3.9 TF Yugo Red Stem

Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Austria

Winnie the Pooh A Pez With Copyright 3.9 Yugoslavia

Woodstock A Pez on 3.9 Thin Feet Stem
Just Added - Quasi Vintage 3.9 Pez